Kids Parties

7 & Up


Birthday Adventures!

Ever wanted to go on adventure with your entire family and all your best friends? Well what are you waiting for? Step into your own personal adventure and let one of our Adventure Guides be your chauffer! Blast your way through the Mayan Arena with a game of Laser Tag , compete with friends in some crazy, Cosmic Golf fun, or even cruise in one of our Aztec Bumper Cars!



Guest of Honor and players must be age 7 before or on the day of their party.

Includes Morning Exclusive (9am – 11am) Utlimate Treasure Arcade Party Yard Exclusive
Length of Party Private Use of Facility for 1 Hr 45 minutes 1 hr 45 min 1 hr 45 min 1 hr 45 min Exclusive Use of Patio/Outdoor Yard for 1 Hour & 45 Minutes
# of Attractions. Select from: Laser Tag, Bumper Cars, & Cosmic Golf. (Players Must be 7 and up.) UNLIMITED 3 Attractions (Non Exclusive) 3 Attractions (Non Exclusive) *Add for $6/ player / attraction (Ages 7 & Up) 2 Attractions (Non Exclusive)
Arcade Player Card for Guest of Honor $10 (40 Credits) $15 (60 Credits) $15 (60 Credits) $25 (100 Credits) $15 (60 Credits)
Arcade Player Card $5 (20 Credits) $10 (40 Credits) $10 (40 Credits) $20 (80 Credits) $10 (40 Credits)
Plates, Cups, Napkins & Utensils
Adventure Guide
T- Shift for GOH
Drinks Included Bottomless Soft Drinks & Coffee Bottomless Soft Drinks Bottomless Soft Drinks Bottomless Soft Drinks Bottomless Soft Drinks
Food Included (60) Donut Holes 2 Slices of Pizza / Player 2 Slices of Pizza / Player 2 Slices of Pizza / Player 2 Slices of Pizza / Player
Video Arcade (Arcade Games that do not dispence tickets or prizes) UNLIMITED N/A N/A UNLIMITED N/A
Party Favor: Party Bag or Pucker Powder Experience * Add for $2.50 / player *Add for $2.50 / player *Add for $2.50 / player *Add for $2.50 / player
Ice Cream Cups *Add for .90 per cup *Add for .90 per cup *Add for .90 per cup *Add for .90 per cup
30 Cupcakes *Add for $25 * Add for $25 * Add for $25 * Add for $25
Maximum Number of Players 150 20 20 20 30
Inviting More Than 20 Players? Inviting More Than 20 Players? Inviting More Than 20 Players? Inviting More Than 20 Players? Inviting More Than 20 Players?
# of Players Included 20 10 10 10 10
Party Price (Based on # of Players Included) $600 $370 $300 $280 $250
Additional Players $30 $37 $30 $28 $25

Party with

More Players

Includes Morning Exclusive (9am – 11am) Ultimate PLUS Treasure Plus Arcade Plus
Length of Party Private Use of Facility for 1 Hr 45 minutes 1 hr 45 min 1 hr 45 min 1 hr 45 min
# of Attractions. Select from: Laser Tag, Bumper Cars, & Cosmic Golf. (Players Must be 7 and up.) UNLIMITED 3 Attractions (Non-Exclusive) 3 Attractions (Non-Exclusive) *Add for $5/ player / attraction (Players must age 7 and up)
Arcade Player Card for Guest of Honor $10 (40 Credits) $15 (60 Credits) $15 (60 Credits) $25 (100 Credits)
Arcade Player Card $5 (20 Credits) $10 (40 Credits) $10 (40 Credits) $20 (80 Credits)
Adventure Guide
Plates, Cups, Napkins & Utensils
T- Shift for GOH
Drinks Included Bottomless Soft Drinks & Coffee Bottomless Soft Drinks Bottomless Soft Drinks Bottomless Soft Drinks
2 Slices of Pizza per Player *Add for $12.75 per pizza
Video Arcade (Arcade Games that do not dispence tickets or prizes) UNLIMITED N/A N/A UNLIMITED
Party Favor: Party Bag or Pucker Powder Experience * Add for $2.50 / player *Add for $2.50 / player *Add for $2.50 / player
Ice Cream Cups *Add for .90 per cup *Add for .90 per cup *Add for .90 per cup
30 Cupcakes *Add for $25 *Add for $25 *Add for $25
Maximum Number of Players 150 40 40 40
# of Players Included 20 20 20 20
Party Price (Based on # of Players Included) $600 $740 $600 $560
Additional Players $30 $37 $30 $28

Fun Party Add-Ons


Parent Game Ticket:  —– $5.00/Player/Attraction (Laser Tag, Bumper Cars, or Cosmic Golf)
Party Bags: —– $2.50 Each
Pucker Powder Experience: —– $2.50 Each
30 Cup Cakes: —– $25.00 (Included in Ultimate)
Ice Cream Cups: —– .90 Each (Included in Ultimate)

Birthday Party FAQ

Can I get into my party room before my scheduled party time?

No, you will be allowed to enter your party room at your designated party time. No time is designated towards setting up. 

What if we arrive late to our party?

If you arrive late the party time will not be extended. The party and attractions must remain on schedule.

Can I bring outside food?

Except for scheduled birthday parties who can bring in a cake, no outside food or drinks are permitted into the facility (including ice cream). We have a large catering menu you can select from. Feel free to browse the catering menu available to all parties.   

Can I bring in my own decorations to my scheduled party?

Not recommended. Our party rooms are beautifully decorated with hand-painted murals to echo our Adventure Theme. We already provide the plates, cups, & napkins but you are welcome to supply tablecloths, plates, cups, napkins, & utensils for your party. We provide an  11×7 banner to display in your party room window. No other banners are allowed. You may bring in blown-up balloons attached to a weight at your scheduled party time. Please note we do not permit backdrops, balloon arches, confetti, or anything taped to the wall. All décor must be dropped off Monday – Friday by 4 pm two days prior to your party. If you have a special request, we have some flexibility with private parties. Please call to talk to a party planner about your event. 

Placeholder image
Does the party follow a schedule?

Yes, our party planner will be happy to discuss how your party will flow. For the Adventure, Treasure, and Ultimate parties please see the sample party itinerary. 

How/when can I book or make changes to my schedule party?

A party planner is available Monday – Friday from 9 am-4 pm booking or make changes to an existing booking. Our online booking reservation system is available 24/7 for new party bookings. 

Can I request a party room?

Party rooms are assigned to certain time slots and are always subject to change. Party rooms cannot be requested. 

Will I be charged for all the kids invited?

You will only be charged for the number of players that show up as long as you meet the minimum for the party package you selected

What if I don’t meet the minimum number of guests that’s included in my party package?

Family and friends will be allowed to join the scheduled attractions to total up to the minimum number of guests.   

Will anyone be playing with my party?

Yes, unless you booked a private event the general public will be permitted to purchase attraction tickets to your scheduled attraction times. (More players = more fun!) 

Do I have to pay for parents or uninvited siblings?

There is no charge for parents who are not participating. However, keep in mind party rooms have limited seating. You are charged for each wristband issued and those are the individuals who will receive what’s included in your party package. You do not have to provide a wristband for siblings or those too small to play. If you do not meet your party minimum, the additional wrist bands can be handed to family and friends to total up to the minimum number of players included in your party package.

Can adults play with my party?

Adult attraction tickets can be purchased and added to your bill if they are not included in the head count for your party package. 

What’s the cancellation policy?

Deposits may be refunded in full up to two weeks in advance of your party reservation. After that, we will refund your deposit by gift card or rescheduled to a new date.

When is the remaining balance due?

The remaining balance is due at the end of your event. 

When can I add an Arcade Player Cards to my party?

You can add them at the time of booking or with your party host during your party.